Charters Towers 60 + Better Program providing information in regards to health and well being and social interaction for its members. We are funded by the Queensland Government.
The 60 and Better Program Inc provides activities for social interaction for our seniors within the community there by decreasing the social isolation many would be prone to.
We have a car which transport members to their clubs and to various activities around town for a small fee. Cars are driven by volunteers who freely give their time on a rotation basis to assist members. You will see our car out and about on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and some Fridays.
The Thursday bus service runs for any seniors who need transport for shopping on a Thursday morning. Anyone over 55 can access this service with door to door pick up and drop off service and volunteers to help with your shopping bags. For a small fee of $6 this service is a god send to those who utilise it on a regular basis. If you are not mobile enough for the bus our car does pick up and delivery for members on the Thursdays for shopping also. This service is paid for from funding The 60 and Better Program receives and the driver volunteers his services for us on a weekly basis. Wit increasing decreases in funding this service is in a precarious position as to future operation.
The Twilight Times - our Bi Monthly newsletter goes out across the community for anyone to read. We print off approximately 800 copies at a cost of approximately $500 per print run for printing only.
Membership to 60 and Better is $5 per person.